Admission open for session 2025-27
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STUDENT CORNER टैब में MOCK TEST का लिंक दिया गया है जहां से आप परीक्षा की तैयारी कर सकते है | Admission open for session 2025-27 .


About us:-

The college has endowed itself with well-qualified and experienced faculty. It also imparts practical knowledge thought its well equipped workshop, computational facilities and libraries. A global outlook, practical idealism and a passion for public service.


     "It is a pleasure for me to extend a world of welcome to you on behalf everyone in the student life division belongs to this institute. All of us at the institute are committed to making this one of the best experiences of your life. I insure you to make the most of the opportunities offer to you". I also want to remind you that you have responsibilities to the success of the institute Community.


    The CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI INDUSTRIAL TRAINING TRUST was formed in 2004, with the sole purpose of providing technical education that is both accessible and affordable by establishing premier colleges of CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI INDUSTRIAL TRAINING STUDIES CENTRE. Under the aegis of our honorable Chairman, the esteemed Mr. DEWRAJ SINGH, the College was inaugurated on August 2006 as one of the spearheading institutions of CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI INDUSTRIAL TRAINING TRUST. The principle of the college Mr. DHARMRAJ SINGH has led the college from its fledgling state to an institution to reckon with. The vision of our principal and their dedication to the cause of technical education combined with their dynamic approach to leadership has made a telling difference to the growth of the college.